Hello, I'm

Jodi Wei.

I love building things from scratch.

I am a frontend developer, specializing in creating user-centered digital experiences and turning ideas into practical products.

01. About Me

I found my passion in coding when I tried to build a website for my side travel business. Surprisingly, I found myself have never enjoyed doing something this much and I knew I got hooked on programming. Soon after that I decided to teach myself how to code and become a front-end developer.

Prior to becoming a front-end developer, I have 8 year of experience in marketing analytics and consulting across tech, retail and financial industries. My experience in data programming has prepared me well to learn different coding languages quickly.

I live with my family in Chicago, IL. When I am not coding, I enjoy reading and cooking for my family. I am also a travel enthusiast and have been to 40 countries and all 7 continents. Travel allows me to see how people live differently and become a better problem solver.

02. Projects

JW Jewelry E-Commerce Store

JW Jewelry is a fictional online jewelry retailer. The website is designed and coded from scratch.

MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)

GreenMeals Recipe App

GreenMeals is a recipe app which allows users to search healthy recipes by ingredients and nutrition metrics. The app sources recipe data from Spoonacular API. This project is designed and coded from scratch.

API, Javascript, MongoDB, Express, node.js, Sass, HTML

Travel Her Way Landing Page

Travel Her Way is a boutique outdoor adventure travel company for women. In this project, I conducted comprehensive UX research and UX/UI design and also built the landing page from scratch.

Sass, HTML, Javascript

FarmFresh E-Commerce App

FarmFresh is an eCommerce app that allows people to buy fresh produce directly from farms. In this project, I conducted comprehensive UX research and UX/UI design.

UX/UI Design, Figma

JW Portfolio

In this project, I have designed and built this porfolio site to showcase my work.

Sass, HTML, Javascript

03. Let's Get In Touch!

My inbox is always open for new ideas. Feel free to drop a message if you fancy a chat.