FarmFresh E-Commerce App



FarmFresh is a fictional app that allows people to buy fresh produce directly from farms. Farms will list their products on the app and customers are able to view a wide selection of products and make purchases. After placing orders, produce will be delivered to customers’ homes. FarmFresh’s goal is to build a virtual farmers market where people can buy high-quality foods at any time and anywhere. In this projet, I conducted comprehensive UX research and UX/UI design to provide frictionless user experience.

Project Goal

Help FarmFresh create the brand logo and design an eCommerce website for people to shop for fresh produce directly from farms.


UX/UI Designer


4 weeks



  • Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Interviews


  • POV
  • Project Goals
  • Product Roadmap


  • Mid-fidelity Responsive Wireframes
  • Logo Design
  • Brand Style Tile

Test and Iterations

  • High fidelity Prototype
  • Usability Testing
  • Design Iteration


Goal: Understand customers' shopping needs and pain points.

1. Market Research

People who shop online for groceries continue to grow over the years in the U.S. As the most tech-savvy generation, Millennial consumers have the highest share of online grocery shoppers of any age group.

According to the chart below, In 2020, 21% of people globally shop at farmer’s markets for foods.

Industry Opportunities
  • Demand for community-supported agriculture shares and one-off deliveries from local farms has increased rapidly since quarantines started.
  • During COVID pandemic, one third of all internet users in the United States have shopped online grocery (nearly a 30% increase since Q1 2020).
  • Farms are struggling to meet consumers’ demand on farm produce during COVID. Most farms don’t have the infrastructure to build the online sales channels, even as they desperately need the new source of revenue.
Industry Challenges
  • Logistics of connecting farms with customers remains a major hurdle. Farmers need a good solution to deliver the products to customers.

2. Competitor Analysis

Selected competitors including direct competitors, farmers’ market and local organic stores, and big supermarkets.

3. Customer Interviews

  • Number of participants: 4
  • Age: 25 ~ 35
  • Gender: 2 females & 2 males
  • Behavior: shop for fresh produce on a regular basis
  • Buy high quality fresh produce at affordable pricing
  • Provide healthy foods to families
  • High quality fresh produce are more healthy
  • Farm produce are more delicious than supermarket produce
  • Need an easy way to buy high quality fresh produce, especially during COVID pandemic when farmer’s market is not open
  • Wide selection of fresh produce
  • Know where the fresh produce coming from
  • Can buy high quality fresh produce at any time
  • Fast delivery for online shopping
Pain Points
  • Farmer’s market is not open everyday, especially during covid
  • Online grocery delivery is not available to some areas, i.e. suburb
  • Cannot pick the items when buying fresh produce online
  • Long delivery time when shopping online
  • Items quality is not ideal when shopping online

4. Persona

Based on research findings, I have developed the personal profile.


1. Define the Problem

Point of View

A women who wants healthy and tasty foods needs a way to to buy fresh produce from farms directly at anytime because she would like to provide healthy meals to her family.

How Might We (HMW)?
  • How might we help the women buy farm fresh produce so she can provide health meals to her family?
  • How might we provide an online solution that offers a wide selection of fresh produce?
  • How might we provide high quality fresh produce at affordable pricing?

2. Project Goals

Before moving forward to build product roadmap, I took a step back to collect the business goals from the project briefing, and the user goals from research. This will help me gain full clarity and align all parties involved when prioritizing product features development.

3. Product Features Roadmap

Based on research takeaways, user persona, competitors analysis, and business goals, I have created the product features roadmap and assigned the priority level.


1. Information Architecture

Goal: Create the blueprints of the site by determine the site layout, structure, and navigation.


The sitemap illustrates the high-level relationship between content within the website.

2. Interaction Design

Goal: Incorporate information architecture and usability to define how a product will behave.

Task Flow

The Task Flow that customers in general follow to complete a purchase. It doesn’t branch out to take sub-tasks or other task flow into consideration.

User Flow

The User Flow provides a comprehensive look at how users interact with the app to shop.

3. Mid-Fidelity Wireframes



Sign up


Explore - Farms

Explore - Products


Farm Page

Product Page


4. Logo Design

5. Brand Style Tile

Test and Iterations

1. High-Fidelity Prototype



Sign up


Explore - Farms

Explore - Products


Farm Page

Product Page


2. Usability Testing

  • Number of participants: 4
  • Age: 25~35
  • Gender: 2 females & 2 males
  • Behavior: shop for fresh produce on a weekly basis
  • Methodology: Remote. Use Maze to conduct the usability testing
Affinity Map

Next Steps

  • Test: Conduct more usability testing on the updated prototype.
  • Iterate: Adopt necessary changes according to the usability testing results.
  • Repeat the process if needed.